If you don’t see your answer here, send me a message.

Rates for long-form content (e.g., blogs, ebooks, white papers, guides) start at $1,200 and vary depending on the topic and content type. Rates are based on experience, expertise, value, and content marketing knowledge.

New clients require a 50% deposit to secure time on my calendar and before delivery of the first draft. The remaining 50% is due after the delivery of the final draft.

After we’ve established a strong working relationship, I usually switch to monthly invoicing for simplicity with net 10-day terms. 

I accept payment via direct deposit or credit card. For non-US-based clients, I accept payments via Wise (formerly Transferwise). 

Rates include:

  • High-quality content
  • Industry expertise
  • Tax and accounting factual accuracy guarantee
  • Screenshots and image sourcing
  • SEO on-page optimization
  • Internal and external linking and strategy
  • Access to my network of fellow CPA and financial professionals
  • One round of edits

I provide ghostwriting services, but it costs 20% more.

New client onboarding looks something like this:

  1. Schedule a call to talk about your content needs and project.
  2. Execute a Contractor/Freelancer Agreement based on the details uncovered in our call.
  3. You send over your content brief and company style guide.
  4. I’ll put together an outline and write the draft.
  5. I’ll submit the draft to you via Google Docs for your review. You make edits/suggestions in the Doc.
  6. I’ll address your comments and deliver the final draft and invoice you.
Generally, I’m on a 2-3 week lead time to get started on new client work. If that sounds good to you, let me know.